Essential Oils 101
Discover the Healing Powers of Essential Oils
Hello everyone. This month I thought it would be a good idea to refresh our knowledge about essential oils and the basic principles.
Also, a warm welcome to new readers who may have missed some of the past articles.
Let’s dive straight in.
What are Essential Oils?
They are naturally occurring aromatic compounds. These aromatic compounds are found in different parts of the plants, roots, bark, leaves.Dilution.
When starting your journey with essential oils it is essential to dilute them before applying.Never apply undiluted oils to your skin when you first begin to use them as you can have an allergic reaction to certain oils.
Once you have a strong reaction it often means you cannot use this oil again.
I did this when I first started and my face became inflamed and itchy.
Here’s a dilution chart that I find very useful:
There are many charts on Pinterest.
Carrier Oils
There are a number of carrier oils that can be used to mix and dilute essential oils.
Here are some the most used.
Coconut oil. Use fractionated as this does not solidify.
Almond oil,
Olive oil
Remember, oils and water do not mix! Don’t try diluting the oils with water.
These can all be bought on
Sourcing and adulteration
If you are going to use Essential Oils medicinally and for therapeutic use then it is important to understand that all oils sold are NOT of a therapeutic standard.You need to become a good LABEL reader.
Find out which country or origin the oil comes from. e.g. Sweet Marjoram is different from Spanish Marjoram.
Ask the company for their research and data.
NB Checking quality is key. Each company has its own internal standards.
The industry standard at present is GCMS testing. (Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry.)
These tests can determine the therapeutic compounds within each batch of oils and see if they have been adulterated in any way.
They can also indicate the different chemistry types (ct.) found in plants sourced in different countries.
For example, some Lavender is high in Thymol. Other varieties are high in Linalool, therefore producing very different therapeutic properties and safety considerations.
I will be doing an article on the different species of Lavender.
Our own body’s chemistry is unique just like the plants so some oils will work better for you than others.
Most oils are produced by steam distillation although a few are cold pressed.
Safety Considerations with Essential Oils.
Some oils are phototoxic – they cause reactions when exposed to sunlight and UV light ( sun tanning machines.)They can cause skin reaction so it is advisable not to use these phototoxic oils if you are out in the sun.
So which are these oils? The Citrus oils: lemon, orange, grapefruit, lime.
The good news is if they are diluted you can still use them topically.
Children, pregnant and lactating women should take care of which oils they can and cannot use.
Medication. If you are on regular medication it is important that you discuss your suggested oil use in case of contraindications e.g. Grapefruit has contraindications if you are taking Warfarin.
Here’s a great book for those of you who want to delve more deeply into safety.
How to Use Essential Oils
Inhaling correctly can be life-changing.It is all to do with the power of smell and how these oils can cross the blood-brain barrier.
Diffusers are a brilliant way to inhale the oils and make your house smell fresh naturally.
Use in a well-ventilated room.
Keep away from babies.
Most oils are safe to use topically but as I always state please dilute and test first.Internal Use. Ingestion
Not all oils are safe to use internally and I advise to work with a professional before embarking on ingestion.Remember- a little goes a long way.
Citrus, mint and culinary herbs may be used for internal use,
Again consult your doctor if on any medication.
Hope you have found this information helpful. Now you can move forward with the use of your oils.
Here’s to your natural health.
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