Pets and Essential Oils.
All animals are different, just like human beings and they do respond differently to the oils. There are people who specialize with the use of essential oils and animals One such lady is Essential Oil Vet - Janet Roark, DVM. You can find her on Facebook.
Some things you need to know.
grade oils contain extenders and other substances that are TOXIC to
small animals like cats and dogs.
high-quality oils can offer
physical benefits as
well as emotional benefits.CATS
lack an enzyme in the liver which makes them susceptible to many
toxins such as aspirin, ibuprofen, chocolate, caffeine, lead and zinc
and many other pesticides.
is a list of oils to avoid with cats as they contain phenols and
birch cinnamon, clove, fennel, melaleuca, nutmeg, oregano,
peppermint, thyme, rosemary, spearmint and wintergreen
are also
rStay away from melaleuca, birch and wintergreen.
There are many other effective oils to use.
Some oils are very toxic to dogs. Read this article from Belfastliveonline.
common things you can use essential oils for Cats and Dogs.
Always work with your vet to try to get to the root of the situation and stop the itching.Oils that may be used are lavender, peppermint, lemon.
Ear Infections.
Regularly clean the ear with a natural cleaner.Use diluted oils such as lavender, frankincense, geranium and basil on the base of the ear.
NB. Never put oils in the ear.
Changes in your Pets life.
home a new puppy, moving house, holiday homes. Car journeys, visit to the vets. These things can emotionally upset your pet.Lavender and Myrrh can really help during a period of adjustment.
Best Ways to use Essential Oils with Pets.
Topical application.Tap along the spine. This is the most frequently used and best tolerated.
Ear tipping. Some dogs tolerate this. Do not use with long-eared dogs as they may shake their ears and the oils go in the eyes.
Always start off with great care and high dilution.1drop of oil to 50 drops of carrier oil. (Coconut oils, olive oil or almond oil,)
It often helps to let your pet smell the oils to see which appeals to them. Animals have a very strong sense of smell and will often walk away if it is not for them.
Don’t use on pregnant or nursing pets.
Do not add to their food or drinking unless indicated by your veterinarian.
Do not use with puppies under 10 weeks.
Adding to topical products such as shampoo.
Diffusing is a great way for your pets, especially cats to take advantage of the oils.
Make sure the room is well ventilated and that your pet can escape if it does not like the oil.
Go here for some simple DIY. remedies for your pets.
Natural flea spray
DIY Shampoo
Anxiety spray for dogs
your oils for your pets with safety and work with your veterinarian.
Would love to hear about any successes or failures you have had with essential oils.
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