Saturday, 5 May 2018

How to Create Your Own Blends.

I know, I know! Where do I start?
Let’s see if we can eliminate some of your confusions and doubts.
First of all, it should be FUN not frustration.

Here’s a chart you will find helpful. It categorizes the oils into different aromas. The more you use and smell the aromas of each the more familiar you will become.

I want to walk you through various aspects involved when creating your own blend. Are you creating for effectiveness? In other words, are you trying to address some health or medical issue? Peppermint and TeaTree would come into this category.
  • Some people just love the aromas and even use them as a fragrance instead of perfume. Oils like Ylang-ylang , Jasmine.
  • Dilution. This is sooooo! Important.
Some people have more sensitive skins than others. I’m one of these, especially on my face. I learned the hard way.
Children are only little, with little bodies, and, so careful dilution is important.
Be careful in pregnancy when your body can become out of balance.
Check against any medication you may be using.
  • Bottling
More on this later.
Essential Oils are classed by their NOTES.
The note determines how long it will take for the oil to evaporate.
Top Note oils 1-3 hours
Middle Note oils 3-6 hours
Base Note oils Can last more than a day.
They create the foundation for great blends.
The aroma of the oils changes over time. Top and middle note evaporate first leaving the base note.
When you start to create a blend I recommend that you start with 1 oil from each note.
Remember each individual body is different and the effective aroma of oils will be different for each person.
Here’s a good rule of thumb when selecting the oils to blend.

25% Top Note
55%Middle Note
20%Base Note

The effectiveness of your blend for your body is the first
consideration. Nobody knows your body like you do.
Here is a User’s Guide ( Jade Bloom) to help that is most useful
Click on an ailment and it will take you to the appropriate oils to use to help. You can possibly create some extra comfort and relief by creating your own blend.
The possibilities are endless.
You will find a new open door to natural healing that you never knew existed.
You can then begin to fine-tune your blend, be brave, and make changes.
  1. Carrier Oils

Look at the possibilities that CARRIER OILS offer.
First I recommend that you look at the properties of the oils that make your blend more effective.

Consider also how the carrier oil will change the aroma of the blend.
Jojoba and Grapeseed oils do not change the aroma of your blend.
Now you have you blend, let’s take a look at the type of bottle needed to store it in.
  1. Dark coloured glass containers to help protect the chemical components and the healing compounds.
  2. Do not use plastic and some of the components can leach into your blend.
  3. How will you use your blend? Topically, inhale. diffuse.
Bottles are available with roller balls, pipettes.
Choose a bottle that will make it easy for you to use in case are not happy with your blend. Don’t waste your precious oils.
Take notes on all your blends and leave comments.
For those of you who would love to train in more depth here is a great course called: Aromatherapy for Natural Living
Have fun and be Happy Blending.
Do share your special blends with us all.
Love to hear of your successes.


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